Greetings from Nge An, Vietnam! I’m staying with my soon to be wife (Thuong) at her hometown in the deep countryside of Northern Central Vietnam for about a month. During this time, I wanted to do some cycling so I searched around near her hometown to find some new mountain bikes that we could buy and use while we were there.
We searched for quite a while without any luck, but eventually found a scooter shop that had some old “new” mountain bikes in the back corner collecting dust.

We were able to get 2 bikes for about $300, which was a bit pricier than what I was expecting, but I was desperate to have something to ride. They cleaned up the bikes for us and delivered them back to Thuong’s home, so we were able to go for a quick ride later that day.

Also can’t forget to mention these awesome blue aero spokes on my new bike 😉

Once we were back home, we quickly set out for a ride on our new bikes to explore the nearby Vietnamese countryside.

There were lots of farming nearby, as well as some rivers and pretty interesting bridges.

We decided to ride to Thuong’s old high school, and her commuting path was a pretty bumpy road filled with buffalo poop, watch out!

We ended up having a pretty fun ride, but didn’t have much time remaining as the sun was starting to set.

Very happy to finally get some wheels here in Vietnam, and excited to go on some longer rides from now on 🙂