How can you get your driver’s license in Japan?
This video will go into detail about my experience getting my Japanese driver’s license.
Gaimen Kirikae (外免切替)
It is oriented towards people who are transferring their licence from their home country to a Japanese one. This is known as Gaimen Kirikae (外免切替)
It was a long process that took me about 2 months in total, between all of the paperwork preparation, translation, various applications, driving school practice, and the driving test practical exam (which I failed on my first time..)
This tutorial is very long and detailed, so here are some timestamp links to the main talking points.
Also, here is a link to the Supermelf PDF Guide for Driving in Japan and Passing the Driver’s Test, which was a huge help!
00:55 Why am I getting a license?
02:15 International license?
02:45 Switching to a Japanese license (外面切替)
Part 1
04:13 1.1 – Required documents
07:30 1.2 – Submitting documents + application
09:45 1.3 – Vision test & knowledge test
12:10 Blessed & cursed countries
Part 2
13:25 2.1 Practical exam scheduling + info
17:00 2.2 Driving school practice
20:14 2.3 Practical exam test day
Why I failed / How I passed
28:06 Total costs and time
My driving license application was done in Aichi prefecture (Nagoya), which is famous for having a low passing rate for the practical exam driving test (only 20%). One of the guys I met on the driving test day was on his 5th attempt (which he failed).. I was pretty happy to pass on my 2nd attempt, and even though I had to spend almost $400 + use some paid leave, I’m excited for the new opportunities having a driving license in Japan will bring.