Inaugural Nagoya Halloween Night Ride

I posted on the Nagoya Cycling Club facebook group (a group that I created this year) asking if people were interested in doing a Halloween night ride around Nagoya.

Halloween isn’t really big in Japan yet, and it was also a Monday night, so there wasn’t a lot of interest, but those that were interested went pretty all out with their costumes as you can see from the pictures.

Halloween Nagoya JR Towers Nagoya Cycling Club

We ended up riding for a little bit over an hour, going through some of the more popular areas of Nagoya, while receiving a bunch of strange looks. It was awesome!

Cruzina Halloween Ride Nagoya

This is Cruzina, the female version of Cruise who only comes out to play a couple times a year (mainly just Halloween).

Only the best of times with the Nagoya Cycling Club night ride crew!

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