Every year, my local cycling course at Moricoro Park holds multiple Japanese style “enduro” races. Sometimes they ask me to help out as a rolling course marshal, and this year I had some other friends to join me.

This event was the 10th annual BikeNavi Grand Prix 2018 (aka Tour de Moricoro), which is held at the Moricoro Park cycling course, which is a 5km circuit closed off to cars and walkers, making it a great place to ride (and race) road bikes!

Here’s some more information about the event for those interested.
They hold road races on this course every few months, though they are sometimes done through different race promoters.
Here’s a video of a full lap of the course at race speed in the top group.
Also, a big thanks again to Zac from BMC Japan for lending me this great bike (SLR 01) to use for the event since my main road bike was still in the shop.
Today’s ride on STRAVA

The awards ceremony after the race was also a lot of fun, and we got to have our cheerleader podium girl debut.