Vietnam Barbershop $1 Haircut & Countryside Cycling to Ocean

Welcome to another cycling Vietnam countryside VLOG! A few days ago, Thuong and I bought some new mountain bikes to use while staying at her hometown in the countryside of Vietnam.

cycling vietnam ocean beach mountain bike

Thuong was busy most days helping out with her family’s pho restaurant, but today she had some free time, so we were able to go for a nice long ride to the ocean / beach nearby her home. It was my first time to explore beyond just the nearby area, so I was pretty excited!

cycling vietnam countryside dirt road mtb

We saw a lot of interesting and unique sites along the way.

cycling vietnam cruise mountain bike ramp

We also got to see some Vietnamese fishing boats up close.

cycling vietnam ocean beach fishing boats

Some boats were really small and minimal, and there were also these really colorful Vietnamese fishing boats which I thought looked really interesting.

cycling vietnam ocean ride mountain bike

Fried Coconut Dessert

cut coconut peel

We also cut some coconuts today to make this awesome fried coconut dessert.

cooking fried coconut dessert vietnam

We actually ended up making this dessert numerous times throughout the trip, and I quickly became a fan!

Overall, another fun day here in Vietnam! 🙂

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