Spring has finally arrived here in Japan, and today we’re going to be talking about why cyclists shave their legs, and why you should shave too!
I’ve often been asked by my non-cycling friends and by new cyclists about why cyclists shave their legs and whether or not I recommend doing it.
Tomorrow is actually my first road race in two years, and as part of my pre-race ritual, I’ll be shaving my legs in preparation and getting rid of my winter forest that has been growing these past few months.
Here are my top 5 reasons why I think cyclists should shave their legs:
1) More aerodynamic
Save 40-70 seconds over 40km
2) Road rash
Easier to clean wound Bandages, etc
3) Practicality & comfort
Apply sunscreen, lotion Oil & massaging
4) Looks better / feels better
This actually motivates me more to train Look at bodybuilders If you feel better, you perform better Make it part of your ritual You can also get a really nice cycling tan line on your legs
5) Cycling culture
Everyone does it Be part of the group People will judge you if you don’t do it I was hesitant at first, but once you do it, you can’t go back.