Cycling to Hội An from Da Nang

Welcome to part 7 of my Vietnam Travel VLOG! In today’s episode, we traveled by bus from Hue to Da Nang, which is where we will be staying for the next few days. After checking into our hotel and checking the weather, we decided to rent some bicycles and cycle to the nearby town and tourist attraction, Hội An.

Hội An is about 30 km away from Da Nang, and it was one of the top places on our list of must-go locations. Rather than taking a taxi or bus, which is a popular option, we decided to go by bicycle, since it was a straight shot all along the same road along the ocean.

Here’s a link to our cycling route for the day (strava).

After arriving, we checked out what Hội An had to offer, and we were not disappointed. The main roads are blocked off from vehicles, so it’s much quieter and cleaner, and the architecture and overall atmosphere is absolutely stunning. Both during day time and even more so during night time.

Unfortunately, I experienced a bit of food poisoning from something that I ate earlier in the day, and wasn’t able to film much towards the end of the night. I was barely able to pedal my bike the 30km back to Da Nang, and had to grab onto Thuong’s shirt and have her pull me for parts of the way. Not the best night, BUT thankfully I was fully recovered by the next morning 🙂

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